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WORK INJURY CLAIMS - WorkSafe (VIC) & WorkCover (NSW)

Why should I see a psychologist after a work injury?

Many people who suffer a physical or psychological workplace injury often find themselves struggling to cope with the repercussions of their injury. They may feel stressed or depressed about their injury, they may be struggling with pain issues, they may have lost their job or suffered a significant loss in income, they may be experiencing relationship issues brought on by the stress of their work injury, or they may feel anxious and uncertain about what the future holds. For others, they may have suffered trauma that has affected their emotional wellbeing and confidence going to work. 


These are just some of the many ways in which a work injury may impact your life and particularly, your mental health. If you have been injured at work and are struggling with your mental health, you may benefit from seeing a psychologist. If you have a WorkSafe (Victoria) or WorkCover (New South Wales) claim, your insurer may approve you for psychological treatment.


Do you see clients with a workers compensation claim?

Yes, I am registered to see clients under both WorkSafe (VIC) and WorkCover (NSW).


Are you a SIRA approved psychologist?



Which types of work injuries do you treat?

The most common types of work injuries I see are:

  • Physical injuries or illness

  • Traumatic injuries/Traumatic events

  • Workplace bullying or harassment

  • Unreasonable action taken by management

  • Burnout


How many sessions can I use?

The number of sessions you can use under workers compensation claim will depend on your individual situation and what your insurer will approve.


What do I need for my initial consultation?

You will need the following details prior to your initial consultation:

  1. Your workers compensation claim details

  2. The date of your work injury

  3. A referral from your GP or nominated treating doctor

  4. Written approval from your insurer to attend the initial consultation


Do I need to pay anything?

No. While you have an existing workers compensation claim and if your insurer has approved you to see a psychologist, then your insurer will be billed directly for the treatment sessions and any associated costs relevant to your claim.


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